Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences

Training researchers whose evidence-based results will help inform education policy and practice.


The Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences (ITP) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is one of a network of pre-doctoral training programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. The ITP is preparing a new generation of outstanding education science scholars by training them in methods of causal inference in the social sciences, engaging them in a weekly seminar and supporting their translational research through a variety of internship opportunities. The community of faculty and Ph.D.-level researchers that work with ITP Fellows come from academic departments in education, social work and across the social sciences. Fellows join an interdisciplinary research community including doctoral students in economics, political science, psychology, social welfare, sociology, educational leadership & policy analysis, educational policy studies and educational psychology.

Upcoming Events

February 21, 2025
  • ITP Seminar: Dr. Icy Zhang

    February 21, 2025  12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
    Room 259; Educational Sciences, 1025 W Johnson St, Madison, WI 53706, USA

    Title: Fostering the development of abstract concepts in complex domains

    Abstract: How do learners learn and develop abstract knowledge in complex domains? In this talk, I will present three completed studies and some current on-going work in which I: 1) leverage insights from various theories in psychology and cognitive science to develop empirical learning interventions to help students learn abstract concepts; 2) Employ various methodologies and integrate cutting-edge learning technologies to conduct experiments in authentic student learning environments; and 3) apply research insights to the design, test, and validation of classroom curricula and teachers’ professional development programs.

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February 28, 2025
  • ITP Seminar: Jennifer Murray

    February 28, 2025  12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
    Room 259; Educational Sciences, 1025 W Johnson St, Madison, WI 53706, USA

    Title: Understanding learners’ challenges with fraction reasoning

    Abstract: Which is bigger, 1/3 or 1/4? 11/7 or 4/3? Reasoning about the magnitudes of fractions is notoriously difficult for both children and adults. In this talk I will present findings from two studies that utilize different methodologies to explore what makes fractions so challenging. Results from these studies indicate that difficulties have many sources. Some difficulties stem from features of the fractions, such as their symbolic format and their need for units coordination. Other difficulties stem from features of the learners, such as strategy knowledge and attitudes towards mathematics. Finally, time pressure also affects learners’ performance. These factors come together to make fractions challenging for learners.

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Coursework: ITP Seminar

This project is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) in the U.S. Department of Education.