Faculty List


Jeffrey Smith, Paul T. Heyne Distinguished Chair in Economics

Current research: Program evaluation methodology, college quality and match
Training roles: Teaches public economics, econometrics and program evaluation

Chris Taber, Professor, Walker Family Distinguished Chair

Current research: Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Public Economics.
Training roles: Teaches labor economics and econometrics

Matthew Wiswall, Professor

Current research: Applied econometrics, education and demographic economics
Training roles: Teaches econometrics and public finance


Political Science

David Weimer, Professor, Political Science and Public Affairs 

Current research: Study of charter schools in high- and low-choice districts; research on Internet survey methodology, effect of school quality on housing prices.
Training roles: Teaches quantitative methods in political science, trains students on statistical analysis for policy research.


Martha Alibali, Professor, ITP Director

Current research: Children’s development of mathematical reasoning; integration of language and gesture in instructional communication.
Training roles: Teaching and advising on cognitive development; supervises Cognitive Development and Communication lab; awarded Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2004.

Markus Brauer, Professor

Current research: Group and inter-group processes
Training roles: Teaches design and analysis of psychological experiments

Judith Harackiewicz, Paul Pintrich Professor

Current research: Longitudinal studies of achievement goals, values and optimal motivation in high school and college education; experimental studies of competition, goals, values and the development of interest.
Training roles: Teaching and advising on achievement motivation and experimental methods; supervises Intrinsic Motivation lab; awarded Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2002.

Mark Seidenberg, Vilas Professor and Donald O. Hebb Professor, Psychology and Neuroscience

Current research: Use of language and its bases in the brain using computational models; empirical research on reading and dyslexia, including behavioral studies, large-scale computational models, and neuroimaging studies.
Training roles: Teaches and advises on cognitive processes in reading, psycholinguistics, experimental methods, simulation models.

Social Work

Katherine Magnuson, Professor

Current research: Effects of socioeconomic disadvantage, particularly low levels of parental education, on child and family well-being; the effects of early education on children’s school readiness.
Training roles: Teaches and advises on child development and family processes, research methods, the effects of socioeconomic policies on families and children.

Alejandra Ros Pilarz, Assistant Professor

Current research: Work, family and public policy and the intersection of child well-being; quantitative analyses of longitudinal data
Training roles: Teaches social policy and impacts on children


Eric Grodsky, Professor, ITP Deputy Director

Current research: The role of higher education in social stratification; education and health inequalities over the life course; early childhood education
Training roles: Teaching and advising on sociology of education, stratification, quantitative methods.

Felix Elwert, Romnes Professor

Current research: Focuses on neighborhood effects, social demography, mortality, and statistical methods of causal inference for the social sciences.
Training roles: Teaches Causality: Mathematical and Statistical Applications in Sociology, and courses on demography, marriage and the family.

Program Leadership

Project Director:
Martha Alibali

Deputy Director:
Eric Grodsky

Program Manager:
Ellyssa Eiring

Steering Committee

Amy Claessens
Mollie McQuillan
James Pustejovsky
Alejandra Ros Pilarz
David Weimer
Matthew Wiswall